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Catholic Schools in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

in the area
Sioux Falls, South Dakota is an OK place to get your Catholic diploma. The only one school offering such option in the city is Avera McKennan Hospital School of Radiologic Technology. That Catholic college has a decent quality programs - three-star rating for curriculum and three stars for teaching.

There are eleven more Catholic schools near Sioux Falls. Read the details about all schools offering Catholic programs around the city below.

Catholic schools in Sioux Falls, South Dakota:

Avera McKennan Hospital School of Radiologic Technology - Catholic School Ranking

Catholic schools near Sioux Falls, South Dakota:

Mount Marty University - Catholic School Ranking
Mount Marty University

Located in Yankton, South Dakota

Avera Sacred Heart Hospital - Catholic School Ranking
Avera Sacred Heart Hospital

Located in Yankton, South Dakota

Briar Cliff University - Catholic School Ranking
Briar Cliff University

Located in Sioux City, Iowa

Creighton University - Catholic School Ranking
Creighton University

Located in Omaha, Nebraska

Presentation College - Catholic School Ranking
Presentation College

Located in Aberdeen, South Dakota

College of Saint Mary - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Mary

Located in Omaha, Nebraska

Saint Johns University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Johns University

Located in Collegeville, Minnesota

College of Saint Benedict - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Benedict

Located in Saint Joseph, Minnesota

St Catherine University - Catholic School Ranking
St Catherine University

Located in Saint Paul, Minnesota

University of St Thomas - Catholic School Ranking
University of St Thomas

Located in Saint Paul, Minnesota

Mercy College of Health Sciences - Catholic School Ranking
Mercy College of Health Sciences

Located in Des Moines, Iowa

Catholic schools in other SD cities:

Aberdeen: 1 Catholic school
Yankton: 2 Catholic schools

South Dakota Catholic schools by program:

Accounting: 1 Catholic school
Agriculture: 1 Catholic school
Biology: 2 Catholic schools
Business: 2 Catholic schools
Chemistry: 2 Catholic schools
Education: 1 Catholic school
History: 1 Catholic school
Journalism: 1 Catholic school
Literature: 2 Catholic schools
Management: 2 Catholic schools
Marketing: 1 Catholic school
Mathematics: 1 Catholic school
Medical: 4 Catholic schools
Music: 1 Catholic school
Nursing: 2 Catholic schools
Philosophy: 2 Catholic schools
Police: 2 Catholic schools
Psychology: 2 Catholic schools
Social Work: 2 Catholic schools
Sport: 2 Catholic schools
Theatre: 1 Catholic school
Theology: 1 Catholic school

South Dakota Catholic schools by diploma:

Certificates: 4 Catholic schools
Associate's Degrees: 2 Catholic schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 2 Catholic schools
Master's Degrees: 2 Catholic schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 Catholic school

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