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Catholic Schools Offering Certificates in South Dakota

South Dakota Certificate SchoolsOffered In
South Dakota is a good state to earn your Catholic certificate. There are 4 schools offering Catholic programs in South Dakota, and the best opportunity is offered by Mount Marty University. This college offers a great Catholic certificate program evaluated with four-star rating for curriculum and four stars for teaching.

Learn about all 4 Catholic schools providing certificates in South Dakota below or narrow your search by program or city in South Dakota.

South Dakota Catholic certificate schools:

Mount Marty University - Catholic School Ranking
1. Mount Marty University

Located in Yankton, 6 certificate programs

Presentation College - Catholic School Ranking
2. Presentation College

Located in Aberdeen, 1 certificate program

Avera McKennan Hospital School of Radiologic Technology - Catholic School Ranking
3. Avera McKennan Hospital School of Radiologic Technology

Located in Sioux Falls, 1 certificate program

Avera Sacred Heart Hospital - Catholic School Ranking
4. Avera Sacred Heart Hospital

Located in Yankton, 1 certificate program

Catholic certificates in nearby states:

University of St Thomas - Catholic School Ranking
University of St Thomas

Located in Saint Paul, MN, 31 certificate programs

Creighton University - Catholic School Ranking
Creighton University

Located in Omaha, NE, 28 certificate programs

College of Saint Mary - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Mary

Located in Omaha, NE, 3 certificate programs

St Catherine University - Catholic School Ranking
St Catherine University

Located in Saint Paul, MN, 17 certificate programs

The College of Saint Scholastica - Catholic School Ranking
The College of Saint Scholastica

Located in Duluth, MN, 20 certificate programs

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota

Located in Winona, MN, 25 certificate programs

University of Mary - Catholic School Ranking
University of Mary

Located in Bismarck, ND, 12 certificate programs

Saint Ambrose University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Ambrose University

Located in Davenport, IA, 1 certificate program

Clarke University - Catholic School Ranking
Clarke University

Located in Dubuque, IA, 2 certificate programs

Mercy College of Health Sciences - Catholic School Ranking
Mercy College of Health Sciences

Located in Des Moines, IA, 2 certificate programs

Briar Cliff University - Catholic School Ranking
Briar Cliff University

Located in Sioux City, IA, 3 certificate programs

University of Providence - Catholic School Ranking
University of Providence

Located in Great Falls, MT, 1 certificate program

Divine Word College - Catholic School Ranking
Divine Word College

Located in Epworth, IA, 1 certificate program

South Dakota Catholic certificates by major:

Accounting: 1 Catholic school
Agriculture: 1 Catholic school
Business: 1 Catholic school
Management: 1 Catholic school
Medical: 2 Catholic schools
Nursing: 2 Catholic schools

Other Catholic diplomas in SD:

Associate's Degrees: 2 Catholic schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 2 Catholic schools
Master's Degrees: 2 Catholic schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 Catholic school

South Dakota Catholic schools by city:

Aberdeen: 1 Catholic school
Sioux Falls: 1 Catholic school
Yankton: 2 Catholic schools

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