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Catholic Literature Schools in South Dakota

Offered In
South Dakota Literature Schools South Dakota is a fair state to obtain literature diploma. There are 2 Catholic schools offering respective programs in South Dakota, and the best one is offered by Mount Marty University. That Catholic school offers a great literature program evaluated with four stars for curriculum and four stars for teaching as well.

Check all the Catholic literature colleges in South Dakota below or narrow your search by desired diploma or city in South Dakota.

Catholic literature schools in South Dakota:

Mount Marty University - Catholic School Ranking
1. Mount Marty University

Located in Yankton, 1 literature program

Presentation College - Catholic School Ranking
2. Presentation College

Located in Aberdeen, 1 literature program

Catholic literature schools in nearby states:

Creighton University - Catholic School Ranking
Creighton University

Located in Omaha, NE, 3 literature programs

University of St Thomas - Catholic School Ranking
University of St Thomas

Located in Saint Paul, MN, 3 literature programs

College of Saint Benedict - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Benedict

Located in Saint Joseph, MN, 2 literature programs

College of Saint Mary - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Mary

Located in Omaha, NE, 2 literature programs

St Catherine University - Catholic School Ranking
St Catherine University

Located in Saint Paul, MN, 1 literature program

The College of Saint Scholastica - Catholic School Ranking
The College of Saint Scholastica

Located in Duluth, MN, 2 literature programs

University of Mary - Catholic School Ranking
University of Mary

Located in Bismarck, ND, 1 literature program

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota

Located in Winona, MN, 4 literature programs

Saint Johns University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Johns University

Located in Collegeville, MN, 2 literature programs

Saint Ambrose University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Ambrose University

Located in Davenport, IA, 1 literature program

Clarke University - Catholic School Ranking
Clarke University

Located in Dubuque, IA, 2 literature programs

Mount Mercy University - Catholic School Ranking
Mount Mercy University

Located in Cedar Rapids, IA, 2 literature programs

Briar Cliff University - Catholic School Ranking
Briar Cliff University

Located in Sioux City, IA, 1 literature program

Loras College - Catholic School Ranking
Loras College

Located in Dubuque, IA, 1 literature program

Carroll College - Catholic School Ranking
Carroll College

Located in Helena, MT, 2 literature programs

SD Catholic literature schools by diploma:

Associate's Degrees: 1 Catholic school
Bachelor's Degrees: 1 Catholic school

Other Catholic school programs in South Dakota:

Accounting: 1 Catholic school
Agriculture: 1 Catholic school
Biology: 2 Catholic schools
Business: 2 Catholic schools
Chemistry: 2 Catholic schools
Education: 1 Catholic school
History: 1 Catholic school
Journalism: 1 Catholic school
Management: 2 Catholic schools
Marketing: 1 Catholic school
Mathematics: 1 Catholic school
Medical: 4 Catholic schools
Music: 1 Catholic school
Nursing: 2 Catholic schools
Philosophy: 2 Catholic schools
Police: 2 Catholic schools
Psychology: 2 Catholic schools
Social Work: 2 Catholic schools
Sport: 2 Catholic schools
Theatre: 1 Catholic school
Theology: 1 Catholic school

South Dakota Catholic schools by city:

Aberdeen: 1 Catholic school
Sioux Falls: 1 Catholic school
Yankton: 2 Catholic schools

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