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Viterbo University: Catholic Ranking 2024

Viterbo UniversityRanked
in the USA
Viterbo University is a very small not-for-profit Catholic college located in La Crosse, Wisconsin. This school was opened in 1890 and is presently offering bachelor's, certificates, master's, and doctoral degrees in 60 programs.

Viterbo University is expensive; tuition cost is about $33,000 per year. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Wisconsin listing.

Recent studies showed that Viterbo University area is dangerous - the school is reported to have a bad rating for personal safety.

Based on 66 evaluation criteria, Viterbo University Catholic program ranks #111 Catholic School (out of 230; top 50%) in USA and The Third Best Catholic School in Wisconsin. Major competing Catholic schools for this college are University of Notre Dame and Marquette University in Milwaukee. See the details about all twelve competitors as well as offered Catholic majors below.

ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Catholic programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Third Best Catholic School in Wisconsin
#35 Catholic School in the Midwest
#111 Catholic School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Second Best Catholic Music Program in Wisconsin
Second Best Catholic Performing Arts Program in Wisconsin
Second Best Catholic Engineering Program in Wisconsin
Second Best Catholic Theatre Program in Wisconsin
Second Best Catholic Theology Program in Wisconsin
Second Best Catholic Dance Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Medical Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Nursing Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Police Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Sport Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Social Work Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Marketing Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Management Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Education Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Arts Program in Wisconsin
Third Best Catholic Finance Program in Wisconsin
#4 Catholic Accounting Program in Wisconsin
#4 Catholic Business Program in Wisconsin
#4 Catholic Mathematics Program in Wisconsin
#4 Catholic Psychology Program in Wisconsin
#5 Catholic Chemistry Program in Wisconsin
#5 Catholic Biology Program in Wisconsin
#6 Catholic Philosophy Program in Wisconsin
#6 Catholic Computer Program in Wisconsin
#7 Catholic Literature Program in Wisconsin
#7 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in Wisconsin
#7 Catholic History Program in Wisconsin
#7 Catholic Sociology Program in Wisconsin

Regional Ranking

#6 Catholic Dance Program in the Midwest
#15 Catholic Sport Program in the Midwest
#17 Catholic Engineering Program in the Midwest
#20 Catholic Performing Arts Program in the Midwest
#21 Catholic Theology Program in the Midwest
#21 Catholic Theatre Program in the Midwest
#22 Catholic Music Program in the Midwest
#23 Catholic Police Program in the Midwest
#25 Catholic Finance Program in the Midwest
#27 Catholic Marketing Program in the Midwest
#27 Catholic Arts Program in the Midwest
#28 Catholic Education Program in the Midwest
#29 Catholic Social Work Program in the Midwest
#30 Catholic Management Program in the Midwest
#30 Catholic Accounting Program in the Midwest
#31 Catholic Psychology Program in the Midwest
#31 Catholic Business Program in the Midwest
#32 Catholic Nursing Program in the Midwest
#32 Catholic Medical Program in the Midwest
#33 Catholic Sociology Program in the Midwest
#33 Catholic Chemistry Program in the Midwest
#33 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in the Midwest
#35 Catholic Mathematics Program in the Midwest
#35 Catholic Biology Program in the Midwest
#35 Catholic Computer Program in the Midwest
#35 Catholic History Program in the Midwest
#36 Catholic Philosophy Program in the Midwest
#38 Catholic Literature Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#20 Catholic Dance Program in USA
#48 Catholic Sport Program in USA
#51 Catholic Engineering Program in USA
#60 Catholic Theology Program in USA
#60 Catholic Performing Arts Program in USA
#64 Catholic Music Program in USA
#66 Catholic Theatre Program in USA
#81 Catholic Finance Program in USA
#83 Catholic Police Program in USA
#86 Catholic Nursing Program in USA
#88 Catholic Social Work Program in USA
#89 Catholic Marketing Program in USA
#92 Catholic Arts Program in USA
#94 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in USA
#96 Catholic Education Program in USA
#98 Catholic Management Program in USA
#99 Catholic Sociology Program in USA
#100 Catholic Accounting Program in USA

More program rankings:

See how Viterbo University ranks among graduate schools in Wisconsin.

Contact information:

Viterbo University
900 Viterbo Drive
La Crosse, WI 54601-8804
Phone: (608) 796-3001

Location map:

Viterbo University Location Map


Bachelor's degree

Applied Mathematics
Art Teacher Education
Business Teacher Education
Criminal Justice and Safety Studies
Drama and Dance Teacher Education
Elementary Education and Teaching
English Teacher Education
Fine and Studio Arts Management
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Communication Disorders
General Computer and Information Sciences
General Drama and Theatre Arts
General Engineering
General English Language and Literature
General Finance
General Fine and Studio Arts
General Management Information Systems
General Marketing and Marketing Management
General Mathematics
General Music
General Music Performance
General Psychology
Health Care Administration and Management
Mathematics Teacher Education
Music Teacher Education
Musical Theatre
Other Business Administration, Management and Operations
Other History
Registered Nursing
Religious Studies
Social Studies Teacher Education
Social Work
Spanish Language and Literature
Spanish Language Teacher Education
Sport and Fitness Administration
Substance Addiction Counseling
Technology Teacher Education and Industrial Arts Teacher Education

Postbaccalaureate certificate

Curriculum and Instruction
General Business Administration and Management
General Special Education and Teaching
Reading Teacher Education
Teaching of Individuals with Emotional Disturbances
Teaching of the Gifted and Talented

Master's degree

Counselor Education and Guidance Services
General Business Administration and Management
General Educational Leadership and Administration
Mental Health Counseling
Other Teacher Education and Professional Development
Other Theological and Ministerial Studies

Post-master's certificate

Administration of Special Education
Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision
General Educational Leadership and Administration
Other Educational Administration and Supervision
Reading Teacher Education
Superintendency and Educational System Administration

Doctor's degree

Adult Health Nursing
Family Practice Nurse
Mental Health Counseling
Nursing Practice


Bachelor's degree

Applied Mathematics
Criminal Justice and Safety Studies
Music Teacher Education

Local competitors:

University of Notre Dame - Catholic School Ranking
University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN, 192 majors

Marquette University - Catholic School Ranking
Marquette University

Milwaukee, WI, 223 majors

University of St Thomas - Catholic School Ranking
University of St Thomas

Saint Paul, MN, 215 majors

Creighton University - Catholic School Ranking
Creighton University

Omaha, NE, 195 majors

College of Saint Benedict - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Benedict

Saint Joseph, MN, 49 majors

DePaul University - Catholic School Ranking
DePaul University

Chicago, IL, 283 majors

Saint Mary's College - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Mary's College

Notre Dame, IN, 55 majors

College of Saint Mary - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Mary

Omaha, NE, 40 majors

Loyola University Chicago - Catholic School Ranking
Loyola University Chicago

Chicago, IL, 302 majors

Lewis University - Catholic School Ranking
Lewis University

Romeoville, IL, 116 majors

St Catherine University - Catholic School Ranking
St Catherine University

Saint Paul, MN, 125 majors

Oak Point University - Catholic School Ranking
Oak Point University

Oak Brook, IL, 6 majors

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