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Oak Point University: Catholic Ranking 2024

Oak Point UniversityRanked
in the USA
Oak Point University is a very small not-for-profit Catholic college located in Oak Brook, Illinois. This school is operating since 1914 and is currently offering bachelor's, certificates, master's, and doctoral degrees in 5 programs.

Oak Point University is pretty expensive - tuition price is about $25,000 a year. If you look for a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Illinois listing.

According to recent studies, Oak Point University area is safe: the college is reported to have an excellent rating for campus safety.

Based on 66 evaluation criteria, Oak Point University Catholic program ranks in Top 100 Catholic Schools in the United States and in Top 5 Catholic Schools in Illinois. Major competitors for this school are University of Notre Dame and Marquette University in Milwaukee. Check the details about all twelve competitors as well as list of available Catholic majors below.

Catholic programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#4 Catholic School in Illinois
#17 Catholic School in the Midwest
#56 Catholic School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

#4 Catholic Nursing Program in Illinois
#4 Catholic Medical Program in Illinois

Regional Ranking

#14 Catholic Nursing Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Medical Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#44 Catholic Nursing Program in USA
#54 Catholic Medical Program in USA

More program rankings:

Check how Oak Point University is ranked among graduate schools in Illinois.

Contact information:

Oak Point University
2122 York Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: (630) 537-9600

Location map:

Oak Point University Location Map


Bachelor's degree

Health Information and Medical Records Administration
Radiologic Technology Science
Registered Nursing

Postbaccalaureate certificate

Health Information and Medical Records Administration

Master's degree

Family Practice Nurse

Doctor's degree

Nursing Practice

Local competitors:

University of Notre Dame - Catholic School Ranking
University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN, 192 majors

Marquette University - Catholic School Ranking
Marquette University

Milwaukee, WI, 223 majors

Saint Louis University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Louis University

Saint Louis, MO, 237 majors

DePaul University - Catholic School Ranking
DePaul University

Chicago, IL, 283 majors

University of Dayton - Catholic School Ranking
University of Dayton

Dayton, OH, 169 majors

Xavier University - Catholic School Ranking
Xavier University

Cincinnati, OH, 171 majors

University of Detroit Mercy - Catholic School Ranking
University of Detroit Mercy

Detroit, MI, 101 majors

Saint Mary's College - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Mary's College

Notre Dame, IN, 55 majors

Loyola University Chicago - Catholic School Ranking
Loyola University Chicago

Chicago, IL, 302 majors

Lewis University - Catholic School Ranking
Lewis University

Romeoville, IL, 116 majors

Mount Carmel College of Nursing - Catholic School Ranking
Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Columbus, OH, 9 majors

Alverno College - Catholic School Ranking
Alverno College

Milwaukee, WI, 108 majors

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