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Catholic Flight Schools in the Midwest

In 2024, we have evaluated 4 Catholic schools offering air majors in Illinois, Michigan, and Missouri.

We rank Saint Louis University, Lewis University (Romeoville, IL), and Siena Heights University (Adrian, MI) the top three flight Catholic schools in the Midwest.

See the best 4 Catholic flight colleges in the Midwest below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Midwest.

Top 4 Catholic flight schools in the Midwest:

Saint Louis University - Catholic School Ranking
1. Saint Louis University

Saint Louis, MO, 3 flight programs

Lewis University - Catholic School Ranking
2. Lewis University

Romeoville, IL, 8 flight programs

Siena Heights University - Catholic School Ranking
3. Siena Heights University

Adrian, MI, 3 flight programs

Quincy University - Catholic School Ranking
4. Quincy University

Quincy, IL, 2 flight programs

Catholic flight schools in the Midwest by state:

Schools by State2 Catholic Flight Schools in Illinois1 Catholic Flight Schools in Michigan1 Catholic Flight Schools in Missouri

Catholic flight schools in other regions:

Northeast: 1 Catholic school

Popular Catholic school cities in the Midwest:

in Illinois:
Chicago: 4 Catholic schools
Joliet: 1 Catholic school
Lisle: 1 Catholic school
Mundelein: 1 Catholic school
Oak Brook: 1 Catholic school
Peoria: 1 Catholic school
Quincy: 1 Catholic school
River Forest: 1 Catholic school
Rockford: 1 Catholic school
Romeoville: 1 Catholic school
Springfield: 1 Catholic school
in Indiana:
Fort Wayne: 1 Catholic school
Indianapolis: 1 Catholic school
Lafayette: 1 Catholic school
Notre Dame: 3 Catholic schools
Saint Mary Of The Woods: 1 Catholic school
Saint Meinrad: 1 Catholic school
Whiting: 1 Catholic school
in Iowa:
Cedar Rapids: 1 Catholic school
Davenport: 1 Catholic school
Des Moines: 1 Catholic school
Dubuque: 2 Catholic schools
Epworth: 1 Catholic school
Sioux City: 1 Catholic school
in Kansas:
Atchison: 1 Catholic school
Kansas City: 1 Catholic school
Leavenworth: 1 Catholic school
Wichita: 1 Catholic school
in Michigan:
Adrian: 1 Catholic school
Detroit: 2 Catholic schools
Grand Rapids: 1 Catholic school
Livonia: 1 Catholic school
in Minnesota:
Collegeville: 1 Catholic school
Duluth: 1 Catholic school
Saint Joseph: 1 Catholic school
Saint Paul: 2 Catholic schools
Winona: 1 Catholic school
in Missouri:
Conception: 1 Catholic school
Kansas City: 2 Catholic schools
Saint Louis: 4 Catholic schools
in Nebraska:
Omaha: 2 Catholic schools
in North Dakota:
Bismarck: 1 Catholic school
in Ohio:
Cincinnati: 4 Catholic schools
Cleveland: 1 Catholic school
Columbus: 3 Catholic schools
Dayton: 1 Catholic school
North Canton: 1 Catholic school
Pepper Pike: 1 Catholic school
Steubenville: 2 Catholic schools
Sylvania: 1 Catholic school
Toledo: 1 Catholic school
University Heights: 1 Catholic school
in South Dakota:
Aberdeen: 1 Catholic school
Sioux Falls: 1 Catholic school
Yankton: 2 Catholic schools
in Wisconsin:
De Pere: 1 Catholic school
Fond Du Lac: 1 Catholic school
Franklin: 1 Catholic school
La Crosse: 1 Catholic school
Madison: 1 Catholic school
Milwaukee: 4 Catholic schools © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology