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Catholic Schools Offering Certificates in Kansas

Kansas Certificate SchoolsOffered In
Kansas might be not the best place to earn your Catholic certificate. The only college providing such option in Kansas is Donnelly College. This school offers a fair Catholic certificate program - two stars for curriculum and three stars for teaching.

There may be other Catholic schools in Kansas fitting your plans. Use the links below to look for Catholic school alternatives in Kansas and nationwide.

Kansas Catholic certificate schools:

Donnelly College - Catholic School Ranking
1. Donnelly College

Located in Kansas City, 1 certificate program

Catholic certificates in nearby states:

Saint Louis University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Louis University

Located in Saint Louis, MO, 28 certificate programs

Creighton University - Catholic School Ranking
Creighton University

Located in Omaha, NE, 28 certificate programs

College of Saint Mary - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Mary

Located in Omaha, NE, 3 certificate programs

Regis University - Catholic School Ranking
Regis University

Located in Denver, CO, 39 certificate programs

Rockhurst University - Catholic School Ranking
Rockhurst University

Located in Kansas City, MO, 6 certificate programs

Fontbonne University - Catholic School Ranking
Fontbonne University

Located in Saint Louis, MO, 7 certificate programs

Avila University - Catholic School Ranking
Avila University

Located in Kansas City, MO, 4 certificate programs

Aquinas Institute of Theology - Catholic School Ranking
Aquinas Institute of Theology

Located in Saint Louis, MO, 1 certificate program

Conception Seminary College - Catholic School Ranking
Conception Seminary College

Located in Conception, MO, 1 certificate program

Kansas Catholic certificates by major:

Nursing: 1 Catholic school

Other Catholic diplomas in KS:

Associate's Degrees: 2 Catholic schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 4 Catholic schools
Master's Degrees: 3 Catholic schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 Catholic schools

Kansas Catholic schools by city:

Atchison: 1 Catholic school
Kansas City: 1 Catholic school
Leavenworth: 1 Catholic school
Wichita: 1 Catholic school

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