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Rockhurst University: Catholic Ranking 2024

Rockhurst UniversityRanked
in the USA
Rockhurst University is a small not-for-profit Catholic college located in Kansas City, Missouri. The college is operating since 1910 and is presently offering certificates, associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in 48 programs.

Rockhurst University is very expensive: depending on the program, tuition cost is about $44,000 a year. If you seek a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Missouri listing.

It is reported that Rockhurst University area is dangerous - the college is reported to have a poor rating for on-campus security.

Based on 66 evaluation factors, Rockhurst University Catholic program ranks in Top 100 Catholic Schools in the United States and The Second Best Catholic School in Missouri. Major competitors for this school are Saint Louis University and Creighton University in Omaha. Check the details about all twelve competing Catholic colleges and list of offered Catholic majors and minors below.

ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Catholic programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Second Best Catholic School in Missouri
#19 Catholic School in the Midwest
#58 Catholic School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Second Best Catholic Nursing Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Medical Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Mathematics Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Management Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Occupational Therapy Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Philosophy Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Psychology Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Politics Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Police Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Physics Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Biology Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Literature Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Foreign Languages Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Economics Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Chemistry Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Business Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Engineering Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Journalism Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic History Program in Missouri
Second Best Catholic Finance Program in Missouri
Third Best Catholic Social Work Program in Missouri
Third Best Catholic Education Program in Missouri
Third Best Catholic Computer Program in Missouri

Regional Ranking

#11 Catholic Engineering Program in the Midwest
#11 Catholic Police Program in the Midwest
#11 Catholic Occupational Therapy Program in the Midwest
#13 Catholic Finance Program in the Midwest
#14 Catholic Physics Program in the Midwest
#15 Catholic Economics Program in the Midwest
#15 Catholic Politics Program in the Midwest
#15 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Mathematics Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Philosophy Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Management Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Nursing Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Literature Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Chemistry Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Business Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Computer Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Biology Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic History Program in the Midwest
#16 Catholic Journalism Program in the Midwest
#17 Catholic Social Work Program in the Midwest
#18 Catholic Psychology Program in the Midwest
#18 Catholic Medical Program in the Midwest
#19 Catholic Education Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#31 Catholic Occupational Therapy Program in USA
#33 Catholic Engineering Program in USA
#39 Catholic Police Program in USA
#39 Catholic Physics Program in USA
#46 Catholic Nursing Program in USA
#46 Catholic Finance Program in USA
#47 Catholic Economics Program in USA
#48 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in USA
#51 Catholic Chemistry Program in USA
#52 Catholic Social Work Program in USA
#52 Catholic Philosophy Program in USA
#52 Catholic Mathematics Program in USA
#53 Catholic Politics Program in USA
#54 Catholic Literature Program in USA
#54 Catholic Management Program in USA
#55 Catholic Business Program in USA
#55 Catholic History Program in USA
#57 Catholic Biology Program in USA
#57 Catholic Medical Program in USA
#57 Catholic Computer Program in USA
#58 Catholic Journalism Program in USA
#60 Catholic Psychology Program in USA
#61 Catholic Education Program in USA

More program rankings:

Check how Rockhurst University is ranked among graduate schools in Missouri.

Contact information:

Rockhurst University
1100 Rockhurst Rd
Kansas City, MO 64110-2561
Phone: (816) 501-4000

Location map:

Rockhurst University Location Map


One but less than two years certificate

General Social Sciences

Associate's degree

General Health Services and Allied Health Sciences
Medical Assistant

Bachelor's degree

Applied Mathematics
Biomedical Engineering
Business and Corporate Communications
Clinical Laboratory Science Technology
Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Administration
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
Elementary Education and Teaching
French Language and Literature
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Chemistry
General Civil Engineering
General Computer Science
General Economics
General Education
General English Language and Literature
General Health and Wellness
General History
General Management Science
General Mathematics
General Physics
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
General Social Sciences
General Special Education and Teaching
Information Technology
International Relations and Affairs
International Studies
Mechanical Engineering
Non-Profit, Public, Organizational Management
Other Physics
Public Policy Analysis
Registered Nursing
Religious Studies
Secondary Education and Teaching
Spanish Language and Literature
Speech Communication and Rhetoric
Speech-Language Pathology

Postbaccalaureate certificate

General Business Administration and Management
General Business and Commerce
General Finance
General Management Science

Master's degree

Elementary Education and Teaching
Family Practice Nurse
General Business Administration and Management
General Education
General Management Science
General Special Education and Teaching
Occupational Therapy
Secondary Education and Teaching
Speech-Language Pathology

Post-master's certificate

Family Practice Nurse

Doctor's degree

Curriculum and Instruction
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy


Bachelor's degree

Applied Mathematics
Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Administration
French Language and Literature
General Economics
General English Language and Literature
General Health and Wellness
General Management Science
General Physics
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
International Studies
Other Physics
Secondary Education and Teaching
Spanish Language and Literature

Local competitors:

Saint Louis University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Louis University

Saint Louis, MO, 237 majors

Creighton University - Catholic School Ranking
Creighton University

Omaha, NE, 195 majors

College of Saint Mary - Catholic School Ranking
College of Saint Mary

Omaha, NE, 40 majors

Fontbonne University - Catholic School Ranking
Fontbonne University

Saint Louis, MO, 61 majors

Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Ambrose University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Ambrose University

Davenport, IA, 129 majors

Newman University - Catholic School Ranking
Newman University

Wichita, KS, 55 majors

Mount Marty University - Catholic School Ranking
Mount Marty University

Yankton, SD, 52 majors

Mount Mercy University - Catholic School Ranking
Mount Mercy University

Cedar Rapids, IA, 102 majors

Avila University - Catholic School Ranking
Avila University

Kansas City, MO, 54 majors

Mercy College of Health Sciences - Catholic School Ranking
Mercy College of Health Sciences

Des Moines, IA, 13 majors

University of Saint Mary - Catholic School Ranking
University of Saint Mary

Leavenworth, KS, 39 majors

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