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Saint Michael's College: Catholic Ranking 2024

Saint Michael's CollegeRanked
in the USA
Saint Michael's College is a very small not-for-profit Catholic college located in Colchester, Vermont. The college is operating since 1904 and is presently offering bachelor's, certificates, and master's degrees in 42 programs.

Saint Michael's College is extremely expensive: depending on the program, tuition cost is around $53,000 per year. If you look for a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges listing.

According to recent studies, Saint Michael's College area is dangerous: the college is reported to have a very bad rating for campus safety.

Based on 66 evaluation criteria, Saint Michael's College Catholic program ranks #118 Catholic School (out of 230; top 55%) in USA and The Best Catholic School in Vermont. Major competing Catholic colleges for this college are Boston College in Chestnut Hill and Fordham University in Bronx. See the details about all twelve competitors and available Catholic majors below.

SAT & ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Catholic programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Best Catholic School in Vermont
#43 Catholic School in the Northeast
#118 Catholic School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Best Catholic Performing Arts Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Pharmacy Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Music Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Medical Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Mathematics Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Philosophy Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Physics Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Sociology Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Theatre Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Psychology Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Politics Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Police Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Management Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Literature Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Chemistry Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Computer Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Business Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Biology Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Arts Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Economics Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Education Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Journalism Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Foreign Languages Program in Vermont
Best Catholic History Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Environmental Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Engineering Program in Vermont
Best Catholic Accounting Program in Vermont

Regional Ranking

#6 Catholic Pharmacy Program in the Northeast
#19 Catholic Engineering Program in the Northeast
#23 Catholic Music Program in the Northeast
#23 Catholic Physics Program in the Northeast
#23 Catholic Performing Arts Program in the Northeast
#28 Catholic Theatre Program in the Northeast
#30 Catholic Environmental Program in the Northeast
#30 Catholic Sociology Program in the Northeast
#31 Catholic Economics Program in the Northeast
#32 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in the Northeast
#33 Catholic Politics Program in the Northeast
#33 Catholic Philosophy Program in the Northeast
#34 Catholic Chemistry Program in the Northeast
#36 Catholic Literature Program in the Northeast
#37 Catholic History Program in the Northeast
#38 Catholic Police Program in the Northeast
#38 Catholic Biology Program in the Northeast
#38 Catholic Management Program in the Northeast
#38 Catholic Arts Program in the Northeast
#39 Catholic Business Program in the Northeast
#39 Catholic Accounting Program in the Northeast
#39 Catholic Journalism Program in the Northeast
#40 Catholic Education Program in the Northeast
#40 Catholic Computer Program in the Northeast
#40 Catholic Mathematics Program in the Northeast
#41 Catholic Psychology Program in the Northeast
#44 Catholic Medical Program in the Northeast

National Ranking

#18 Catholic Pharmacy Program in USA
#53 Catholic Engineering Program in USA
#67 Catholic Physics Program in USA
#71 Catholic Music Program in USA
#72 Catholic Performing Arts Program in USA
#74 Catholic Environmental Program in USA
#77 Catholic Economics Program in USA
#77 Catholic Theatre Program in USA
#79 Catholic Police Program in USA
#82 Catholic Sociology Program in USA
#83 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in USA
#88 Catholic Philosophy Program in USA
#88 Catholic Chemistry Program in USA
#88 Catholic Politics Program in USA
#93 Catholic Literature Program in USA
#93 Catholic History Program in USA
#95 Catholic Mathematics Program in USA
#96 Catholic Accounting Program in USA
#96 Catholic Arts Program in USA
#98 Catholic Computer Program in USA
#98 Catholic Journalism Program in USA
#98 Catholic Biology Program in USA

More program rankings:

See how Saint Michael's College is ranking among graduate schools in Vermont.

Contact information:

Saint Michael's College
One Winooski Park
Colchester, VT 05439
Phone: (802) 654-2000

Location map:

Saint Michael's College Location Map


Bachelor's degree

Art Teacher Education
Computational and Applied Mathematics
Elementary Education and Teaching
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
French Language and Literature
General Art Studies
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Chemistry
General Classical Languages, Literature and Linguistics
General Computer Science
General Drama and Theatre Arts
General Economics
General Education
General Engineering
General English Language and Literature
General Health Services and Allied Health Sciences
General History
General Mathematics
General Physics
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
General Public Health
General Statistics
Information Science
International Relations and Affairs
Latin Language and Literature
Mass Communication
Music History, Literature, and Theory
Pre-Pharmacy Studies
Religious Studies
Secondary Education and Teaching
Sociology and Anthropology
Spanish Language and Literature

Postbaccalaureate certificate

General Education
Other Public Health

Master's degree

Clinical Psychology
General Education

Post-master's certificate

General Business Administration and Management
General Education


Bachelor's degree

Art Teacher Education
Elementary Education and Teaching
General Art Studies
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Economics
General Education
General English Language and Literature
General Health Services and Allied Health Sciences
General Mathematics
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
General Public Health
International Relations and Affairs
Religious Studies
Secondary Education and Teaching
Sociology and Anthropology
Spanish Language and Literature

Local competitors:

Boston College - Catholic School Ranking
Boston College

Chestnut Hill, MA, 162 majors

Fordham University - Catholic School Ranking
Fordham University

Bronx, NY, 258 majors

Fairfield University - Catholic School Ranking
Fairfield University

Fairfield, CT, 147 majors

Sacred Heart University - Catholic School Ranking
Sacred Heart University

Fairfield, CT, 121 majors

University of Scranton - Catholic School Ranking
University of Scranton

Scranton, PA, 144 majors

Providence College - Catholic School Ranking
Providence College

Providence, RI, 111 majors

Seton Hall University - Catholic School Ranking
Seton Hall University

South Orange, NJ, 131 majors

St. John's University New York - Catholic School Ranking
St. John's University New York

Queens, NY, 190 majors

Regis College - Catholic School Ranking
Regis College

Weston, MA, 43 majors

Le Moyne College - Catholic School Ranking
Le Moyne College

Syracuse, NY, 86 majors

DeSales University - Catholic School Ranking
DeSales University

Center Valley, PA, 79 majors

University of Saint Joseph - Catholic School Ranking
University of Saint Joseph

West Hartford, CT, 65 majors

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