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Rivier University: Catholic Ranking 2024

Rivier UniversityRanked
in the USA
Rivier University is a very small not-for-profit Catholic college located in Nashua, New Hampshire. The school was opened in 1933 and is currently offering associate's, bachelor's, master's, certificates, and doctoral degrees in 53 programs.

Rivier University is very expensive - tuition price varies around $39,000 a year. If you seek a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges listing.

According to recent studies, Rivier University area is relatively unsafe; the school is reported to have a rather poor rating for on-campus crime.

Based on 66 evaluation criteria, Rivier University Catholic program ranks #130 Catholic School (out of 230; top 60%) in the United States and The Second Best Catholic School in New Hampshire. Major competing Catholic schools for this college are Boston College in Chestnut Hill and Villanova University. Check the details about all twelve competitors and list of available Catholic majors below.

SAT & ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Catholic programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Second Best Catholic School in New Hampshire
#48 Catholic School in the Northeast
#130 Catholic School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Best Catholic Management Program in New Hampshire
Best Catholic Sport Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Police Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Nursing Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Politics Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Psychology Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Sociology Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Social Work Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Medical Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Marketing Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Education Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Computer Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Business Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Finance Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic History Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Biology Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Literature Program in New Hampshire
Second Best Catholic Mathematics Program in New Hampshire

Regional Ranking

#30 Catholic Sport Program in the Northeast
#37 Catholic Finance Program in the Northeast
#37 Catholic Nursing Program in the Northeast
#41 Catholic Sociology Program in the Northeast
#41 Catholic Marketing Program in the Northeast
#43 Catholic Computer Program in the Northeast
#44 Catholic Politics Program in the Northeast
#44 Catholic Social Work Program in the Northeast
#45 Catholic Police Program in the Northeast
#46 Catholic Management Program in the Northeast
#47 Catholic Psychology Program in the Northeast
#47 Catholic Literature Program in the Northeast
#48 Catholic Mathematics Program in the Northeast
#48 Catholic Business Program in the Northeast
#48 Catholic History Program in the Northeast
#49 Catholic Education Program in the Northeast
#50 Catholic Biology Program in the Northeast
#51 Catholic Medical Program in the Northeast

National Ranking

#60 Catholic Sport Program in USA
#91 Catholic Finance Program in USA
#97 Catholic Police Program in USA

More program rankings:

Check how Rivier University is ranked among graduate schools in New Hampshire.

Contact information:

Rivier University
420 South Main St
Nashua, NH 03060
Phone: (603) 888-1311

Location map:

Rivier University Location Map


Associate's degree

Registered Nursing

Bachelor's degree

Biology Teacher Education
Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Administration
Early Childhood Education and Teaching
Elementary Education and Teaching
English Teacher Education
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Educational Leadership and Administration
General English Language and Literature
General Finance
General Health Services and Allied Health Sciences
General History
General Human Services
General Marketing and Marketing Management
General Mathematics
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
General Public Health
General Special Education and Teaching
International Studies
Mathematics Teacher Education
Nursing Science
Other Education
Other Marketing
Social Studies Teacher Education
Sport and Fitness Administration
Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs

Master's degree

Clinical Psychology
Counselor Education and Guidance Services
Curriculum and Instruction
Early Childhood Education and Teaching
Elementary Education and Teaching
English Teacher Education
Experimental Psychology
General Business Administration and Management
General Computer and Information Sciences
General Computer Science
General Educational Leadership and Administration
General English Language and Literature
General Mathematics
General Public Health
General Special Education and Teaching
Health Care Administration and Management
Mathematics Teacher Education
Mental Health Counseling
Middle School Education and Teaching
Nursing Science
Other Computer Services Administration and Management
Other Education
Other Marketing
Other Subject Area Teacher Education and Professional Development
Reading Teacher Education
School Psychology
Secondary Education and Teaching
Social Studies Teacher Education
Teaching Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs
Teaching Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities
Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs
Teaching of Individuals with Emotional Disturbances

Post-master's certificate

Counselor Education and Guidance Services
Family Practice Nurse
General Educational Leadership and Administration
Nursing Science
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
School Psychology
Secondary School Administration

Doctor's degree

Counseling Psychology
General Educational Leadership and Administration
Other Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology
Other Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing Assistants

Local competitors:

Boston College - Catholic School Ranking
Boston College

Chestnut Hill, MA, 162 majors

Villanova University - Catholic School Ranking
Villanova University

Villanova, PA, 177 majors

Fordham University - Catholic School Ranking
Fordham University

Bronx, NY, 258 majors

Saint Joseph's University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Joseph's University

Philadelphia, PA, 179 majors

Fairfield University - Catholic School Ranking
Fairfield University

Fairfield, CT, 147 majors

Sacred Heart University - Catholic School Ranking
Sacred Heart University

Fairfield, CT, 121 majors

University of Scranton - Catholic School Ranking
University of Scranton

Scranton, PA, 144 majors

Providence College - Catholic School Ranking
Providence College

Providence, RI, 111 majors

Seton Hall University - Catholic School Ranking
Seton Hall University

South Orange, NJ, 131 majors

Gwynedd Mercy University - Catholic School Ranking
Gwynedd Mercy University

Gwynedd Valley, PA, 54 majors

St. John's University New York - Catholic School Ranking
St. John's University New York

Queens, NY, 190 majors

Regis College - Catholic School Ranking
Regis College

Weston, MA, 43 majors

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