Catholic CollegesAccountingAerospaceAgricultureArchitectureArtsBiologyBusinessChemistryComputerConstructionCulinaryDanceDentalEconomicsEducationElectricalEngineeringEnvironmentalFashionFilmFinanceFireFlightGeographyGeologyGraphicHistoryHospitalityHVACInteriorJournalismLanguagesLawLiteratureManagementMarketingMassageMathematicsMechanicMedicalMusicNursingOTPerformingPetroleumPharmacyPhilosophyPhysicsPolicePoliticsPsychologySecretarySocial WorkSociologySportTheatreTheologyWeather

Catholic Schools in the Northwest - 2024 Ranking

In 2024, we rated 7 Catholic colleges offering majors in Montana, Oregon, and Washington. ranks Gonzaga University (Spokane, WA), University of Portland, and Seattle University the best three Catholic colleges in the Northwest.

See the Top 7 Catholic schools in the Northwest below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Northwest.

Top 7 Catholic schools in the Northwest:

Gonzaga University - Catholic School Ranking
1. Gonzaga University

Spokane, WA, 98 majors

University of Portland - Catholic School Ranking
2. University of Portland

Portland, OR, 74 majors

Seattle University - Catholic School Ranking
3. Seattle University

Seattle, WA, 220 majors

Mount Angel Seminary - Catholic School Ranking
4. Mount Angel Seminary

Mount Angel, OR, 5 majors

Saint Martin's University - Catholic School Ranking
5. Saint Martin's University

Lacey, WA, 56 majors

University of Providence - Catholic School Ranking
6. University of Providence

Great Falls, MT, 33 majors

Carroll College - Catholic School Ranking
7. Carroll College

Helena, MT, 72 majors

Catholic schools in the Northwest by state:

Schools by State2 Catholic Schools in Montana2 Catholic Schools in Oregon3 Catholic Schools in Washington

Catholic programs in the Northwest:

Accounting: 6 Catholic schools
Arts: 5 Catholic schools
Biology: 6 Catholic schools
Business: 6 Catholic schools
Chemistry: 6 Catholic schools
Computer: 6 Catholic schools
Dance: 1 Catholic school
Economics: 3 Catholic schools
Education: 6 Catholic schools
Electrical: 1 Catholic school
Engineering: 5 Catholic schools
Environmental: 5 Catholic schools
Film: 1 Catholic school
Finance: 3 Catholic schools
Graphic Design: 1 Catholic school
History: 6 Catholic schools
Journalism: 5 Catholic schools
Foreign Languages: 4 Catholic schools
Law: 3 Catholic schools
Literature: 5 Catholic schools
Management: 5 Catholic schools
Marketing: 2 Catholic schools
Mathematics: 6 Catholic schools
Medical: 5 Catholic schools
Music: 4 Catholic schools
Nursing: 6 Catholic schools
Performing Arts: 4 Catholic schools
Philosophy: 6 Catholic schools
Physics: 4 Catholic schools
Police: 4 Catholic schools
Politics: 5 Catholic schools
Psychology: 6 Catholic schools
Social Work: 5 Catholic schools
Sociology: 6 Catholic schools
Sport: 3 Catholic schools
Theatre: 6 Catholic schools
Theology: 5 Catholic schools

Catholic schools in other regions:

Midwest: 84 Catholic schools
Northeast: 81 Catholic schools
South: 44 Catholic schools
Southeast: 28 Catholic schools
West: 14 Catholic schools

Popular Catholic school cities in the Northwest:

in Montana:
Great Falls: 1 Catholic school
Helena: 1 Catholic school
in Oregon:
Mount Angel: 1 Catholic school
Portland: 1 Catholic school
in Washington:
Lacey: 1 Catholic school
Seattle: 1 Catholic school
Spokane: 1 Catholic school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology