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John Carroll University: Catholic Ranking 2024

John Carroll UniversityRanked
in the USA
John Carroll University is a very small not-for-profit Catholic college located in University Heights, Ohio. The college was founded in 1886 and is presently offering bachelor's, master's degrees, and certificates in 55 programs.

John Carroll University is extremely expensive: tuition is about $50,000 a year. If you are seeking a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Ohio listing.

Recent data analysis showed that John Carroll University area is dangerous; the college is reported to have a bad rating for on-campus security.

Based on 66 evaluation metrics, John Carroll University Catholic program ranks #108 Catholic School (out of 230; top 50%) in USA and #7 Catholic School in Ohio. Major competing Catholic schools for this college are University of Notre Dame and Georgetown University in Washington. Check the details about all twelve competitors and available Catholic majors and minors below.

SAT & ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Catholic programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#7 Catholic School in Ohio
#34 Catholic School in the Midwest
#108 Catholic School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Third Best Catholic Environmental Program in Ohio
Third Best Catholic Physics Program in Ohio
#4 Catholic Engineering Program in Ohio
#4 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in Ohio
#4 Catholic Economics Program in Ohio
#4 Catholic Politics Program in Ohio
#4 Catholic Sport Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Mathematics Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Marketing Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Medical Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Sociology Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Literature Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Philosophy Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Psychology Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Journalism Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Chemistry Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Business Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Arts Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Computer Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Education Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Accounting Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic History Program in Ohio
#5 Catholic Finance Program in Ohio
#6 Catholic Biology Program in Ohio
#6 Catholic Management Program in Ohio

Regional Ranking

#11 Catholic Sport Program in the Midwest
#18 Catholic Engineering Program in the Midwest
#19 Catholic Physics Program in the Midwest
#21 Catholic Finance Program in the Midwest
#23 Catholic Marketing Program in the Midwest
#24 Catholic Economics Program in the Midwest
#24 Catholic Environmental Program in the Midwest
#25 Catholic Sociology Program in the Midwest
#26 Catholic Accounting Program in the Midwest
#26 Catholic Politics Program in the Midwest
#26 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in the Midwest
#27 Catholic Philosophy Program in the Midwest
#27 Catholic Journalism Program in the Midwest
#27 Catholic Chemistry Program in the Midwest
#27 Catholic Computer Program in the Midwest
#27 Catholic History Program in the Midwest
#28 Catholic Psychology Program in the Midwest
#28 Catholic Literature Program in the Midwest
#28 Catholic Business Program in the Midwest
#29 Catholic Biology Program in the Midwest
#29 Catholic Management Program in the Midwest
#30 Catholic Mathematics Program in the Midwest
#34 Catholic Education Program in the Midwest
#36 Catholic Arts Program in the Midwest
#39 Catholic Medical Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#42 Catholic Sport Program in USA
#52 Catholic Engineering Program in USA
#59 Catholic Physics Program in USA
#73 Catholic Finance Program in USA
#75 Catholic Economics Program in USA
#78 Catholic Environmental Program in USA
#80 Catholic Sociology Program in USA
#80 Catholic Marketing Program in USA
#81 Catholic Foreign Languages Program in USA
#86 Catholic Politics Program in USA
#87 Catholic Chemistry Program in USA
#87 Catholic Philosophy Program in USA
#91 Catholic Accounting Program in USA
#92 Catholic Literature Program in USA
#92 Catholic Journalism Program in USA
#92 Catholic History Program in USA
#94 Catholic Management Program in USA
#94 Catholic Mathematics Program in USA
#95 Catholic Computer Program in USA
#95 Catholic Business Program in USA
#97 Catholic Biology Program in USA
#97 Catholic Psychology Program in USA

More program rankings:

Check how John Carroll University ranks among graduate schools in Ohio.

Contact information:

John Carroll University
1 John Carroll Boulevard
University Heights, OH 44118-4538
Phone: (888) 388-2977

Location map:

John Carroll University Location Map


Bachelor's degree

Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology
Art History, Criticism and Conservation
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Engineering Physics
Environmental Science
Financial Planning and Services
French Language and Literature
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Chemistry
General Computer Science
General Economics
General Education
General English Language and Literature
General Finance
General History
General Human Resources Management and Personnel Administration
General Marketing and Marketing Management
General Mathematics
General Physics
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
International Business, Trade and Commerce
Logistics and Materials Management
Mathematics Teacher Education
Medical Informatics
Other Physics
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching
Religious Studies
Spanish Language and Literature
Speech Communication and Rhetoric
Sports Studies

Master's degree

Biology Teacher Education
Counselor Education and Guidance Services
Educational Psychology
Elementary Education and Teaching
English Teacher Education
Entrepreneurial Studies
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Education
General Educational Leadership and Administration
General English Language and Literature
General Mathematics
General Science Teacher Education
Mathematics Teacher Education
Mental Health Counseling
Middle School Education and Teaching
Non-Profit, Public, Organizational Management
Other Communication and Related Programs
Other Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions
Other Teacher Education and Professional Development
Physics Teacher Education
Reading Teacher Education
Religious Studies
School Psychology
Social Studies Teacher Education
Teaching of Individuals with Autism

Post-master's certificate

Religious Studies
School Psychology


Bachelor's degree

Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology
Financial Planning and Services
General Chemistry
General Computer Science
General Economics
General Education
General English Language and Literature
General Finance
General History
General Marketing and Marketing Management
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
Logistics and Materials Management
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
Religious Studies
Spanish Language and Literature
Speech Communication and Rhetoric
Sports Studies

Local competitors:

University of Notre Dame - Catholic School Ranking
University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN, 192 majors

Georgetown University - Catholic School Ranking
Georgetown University

Washington, DC, 211 majors

The Catholic University of America - Catholic School Ranking
The Catholic University of America

Washington, DC, 244 majors

University of Scranton - Catholic School Ranking
University of Scranton

Scranton, PA, 144 majors

University of Dayton - Catholic School Ranking
University of Dayton

Dayton, OH, 169 majors

Xavier University - Catholic School Ranking
Xavier University

Cincinnati, OH, 171 majors

Loyola University Maryland - Catholic School Ranking
Loyola University Maryland

Baltimore, MD, 91 majors

University of Detroit Mercy - Catholic School Ranking
University of Detroit Mercy

Detroit, MI, 101 majors

Saint Mary's College - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Mary's College

Notre Dame, IN, 55 majors

Duquesne University - Catholic School Ranking
Duquesne University

Pittsburgh, PA, 198 majors

Niagara University - Catholic School Ranking
Niagara University

Niagara University, NY, 108 majors

Le Moyne College - Catholic School Ranking
Le Moyne College

Syracuse, NY, 86 majors

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