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Catholic Economics Schools in the West

In 2024, we rated 9 Catholic schools offering economics majors in California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. team ranks Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA), Santa Clara University, and University of San Diego the top three economics Catholic schools in the West.

See the best 9 Catholic economics colleges in the West below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the West.

Top 9 Catholic economics schools in the West:

Loyola Marymount University - Catholic School Ranking
1. Loyola Marymount University

Los Angeles, CA, 2 economics programs

Santa Clara University - Catholic School Ranking
2. Santa Clara University

Santa Clara, CA, 3 economics programs

University of San Diego - Catholic School Ranking
3. University of San Diego

San Diego, CA, 2 economics programs

Gonzaga University - Catholic School Ranking
4. Gonzaga University

Spokane, WA, 2 economics programs

University of Portland - Catholic School Ranking
5. University of Portland

Portland, OR, 2 economics programs

Saint Mary's College of California - Catholic School Ranking
6. Saint Mary's College of California

Moraga, CA, 1 economics program

Seattle University - Catholic School Ranking
7. Seattle University

Seattle, WA, 7 economics programs

University of San Francisco - Catholic School Ranking
8. University of San Francisco

San Francisco, CA, 5 economics programs

Regis University - Catholic School Ranking
9. Regis University

Denver, CO, 2 economics programs

Catholic economics schools in the West by state:

Schools by State5 Catholic Economics Schools in California1 Catholic Economics Schools in Colorado1 Catholic Economics Schools in Oregon2 Catholic Economics Schools in Washington

Catholic economics schools in other regions:

Midwest: 31 Catholic schools
Northeast: 38 Catholic schools
South: 19 Catholic schools
Southeast: 8 Catholic schools

Popular Catholic school cities in the West:

in California:
Belmont: 1 Catholic school
Berkeley: 1 Catholic school
Los Angeles: 2 Catholic schools
Moraga: 1 Catholic school
Oakland: 1 Catholic school
Rancho Palos Verdes: 1 Catholic school
San Diego: 2 Catholic schools
San Francisco: 1 Catholic school
San Rafael: 1 Catholic school
Santa Clara: 1 Catholic school
in Colorado:
Denver: 1 Catholic school
in Hawaii:
Honolulu: 1 Catholic school
in Montana:
Great Falls: 1 Catholic school
Helena: 1 Catholic school
in Oregon:
Mount Angel: 1 Catholic school
Portland: 1 Catholic school
in Washington:
Lacey: 1 Catholic school
Seattle: 1 Catholic school
Spokane: 1 Catholic school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology