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Catholic Schools Offering Associate's Degrees in Texas

Texas Associate's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Texas is a good place to get Catholic associate's degree. There are 2 schools offering Catholic programs in Texas, and the best option is offered by University of St Thomas Houston. This college has an excellent Catholic associate's degree program - five stars for curriculum and four-star rating for teaching.

Read the details about both Catholic schools offering associate's degrees in Texas below or narrow your search by program or city in Texas.

Texas Catholic associate's degree schools:

University of St Thomas Houston - Catholic School Ranking
1. University of St Thomas Houston

Located in Houston, 5 associate's programs

University of Thearnate Word - Catholic School Ranking
2. University of thearnate Word

Located in San Antonio, 10 associate's programs

Catholic associate's degrees in nearby states:

Loyola University New Orleans - Catholic School Ranking
Loyola University New Orleans

Located in New Orleans, LA, 2 associate's programs

Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University - Catholic School Ranking
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University

Located in Baton Rouge, LA, 2 associate's programs

University of Holy Cross - Catholic School Ranking
University of Holy Cross

Located in New Orleans, LA, 3 associate's programs

Texas Catholic associate's degrees by major:

Arts: 1 Catholic school
Business: 2 Catholic schools
Chemistry: 1 Catholic school
Computer: 2 Catholic schools
Electrical: 1 Catholic school
Engineering: 1 Catholic school
Fashion: 1 Catholic school
Management: 1 Catholic school
Marketing: 1 Catholic school
Medical: 2 Catholic schools
Psychology: 1 Catholic school

Other Catholic diplomas in TX:

Certificates: 6 Catholic schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 6 Catholic schools
Master's Degrees: 7 Catholic schools
Doctoral Degrees: 7 Catholic schools

Texas Catholic schools by city:

Austin: 1 Catholic school
Houston: 1 Catholic school
Irving: 1 Catholic school
Lubbock: 1 Catholic school
San Antonio: 4 Catholic schools

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