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Catholic Schools Offering Associate's Degrees in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Associate's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Pennsylvania is a wonderful state to earn your Catholic associate's degree. There are 13 schools offering Catholic programs in Pennsylvania, and the best opportunity is offered by Villanova University. This school has an excellent Catholic associate's degree program - five-star rating for curriculum and five stars for teaching.

Read the details about all 13 Catholic schools offering associate's degrees in Pennsylvania below or narrow your search by program or city in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania Catholic associate's degree schools:

Villanova University - Catholic School Ranking
1. Villanova University

Located in Villanova, 1 associate's program

Saint Joseph's University - Catholic School Ranking
2. Saint Joseph's University

Located in Philadelphia, 1 associate's program

University of Scranton - Catholic School Ranking
3. University of Scranton

Located in Scranton, 8 associate's programs

Gwynedd Mercy University - Catholic School Ranking
4. Gwynedd Mercy University

Located in Gwynedd Valley, 2 associate's programs

Immaculata University - Catholic School Ranking
5. Immaculata University

Located in Immaculata, 12 associate's programs

Gannon University - Catholic School Ranking
6. Gannon University

Located in Erie, 6 associate's programs

Alvernia University - Catholic School Ranking
7. Alvernia University

Located in Reading, 5 associate's programs

Saint Francis University - Catholic School Ranking
8. Saint Francis University

Located in Loretto, 10 associate's programs

Mercyhurst University - Catholic School Ranking
9. Mercyhurst University

Located in Erie, 10 associate's programs

Holy Family University - Catholic School Ranking
10. Holy Family University

Located in Philadelphia, 1 associate's program

Mount Aloysius College - Catholic School Ranking
11. Mount Aloysius College

Located in Cresson, 9 associate's programs

La Roche University - Catholic School Ranking
12. La Roche University

Located in Pittsburgh, 1 associate's program

Rosemont College - Catholic School Ranking
13. Rosemont College

Located in Rosemont, 2 associate's programs

Catholic associate's degrees in nearby states:

Xavier University - Catholic School Ranking
Xavier University

Located in Cincinnati, OH, 15 associate's programs

St. John's University New York - Catholic School Ranking
St. John's University New York

Located in Queens, NY, 8 associate's programs

Niagara University - Catholic School Ranking
Niagara University

Located in Niagara University, NY, 1 associate's program

Mercy College of Ohio - Catholic School Ranking
Mercy College of Ohio

Located in Toledo, OH, 4 associate's programs

Saint Peter's University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Peter's University

Located in Jersey City, NJ, 4 associate's programs

Franciscan University of Steubenville - Catholic School Ranking
Franciscan University of Steubenville

Located in Steubenville, OH, 5 associate's programs

Mount Saint Joseph University - Catholic School Ranking
Mount Saint Joseph University

Located in Cincinnati, OH, 3 associate's programs

Canisius College - Catholic School Ranking
Canisius College

Located in Buffalo, NY, 2 associate's programs

Lourdes University - Catholic School Ranking
Lourdes University

Located in Sylvania, OH, 2 associate's programs

Walsh University - Catholic School Ranking
Walsh University

Located in North Canton, OH, 6 associate's programs

Trocaire College - Catholic School Ranking
Trocaire College

Located in Buffalo, NY, 13 associate's programs

Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science - Catholic School Ranking
Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science

Located in Cincinnati, OH, 2 associate's programs

Pennsylvania Catholic associate's degrees by major:

Accounting: 2 Catholic schools
Arts: 1 Catholic school
Biology: 2 Catholic schools
Business: 9 Catholic schools
Chemistry: 1 Catholic school
Computer: 4 Catholic schools
Education: 4 Catholic schools
Engineering: 2 Catholic schools
Fashion: 1 Catholic school
Hospitality: 1 Catholic school
Interior Design: 1 Catholic school
Journalism: 1 Catholic school
Law: 1 Catholic school
Literature: 1 Catholic school
Management: 7 Catholic schools
Medical: 9 Catholic schools
Nursing: 2 Catholic schools
Occupational Therapy: 2 Catholic schools
Physics: 1 Catholic school
Police: 5 Catholic schools
Politics: 1 Catholic school
Psychology: 1 Catholic school
Social Work: 1 Catholic school
Sociology: 1 Catholic school
Theology: 1 Catholic school

Other Catholic diplomas in PA:

Certificates: 25 Catholic schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 26 Catholic schools
Master's Degrees: 27 Catholic schools
Doctoral Degrees: 22 Catholic schools

Pennsylvania Catholic schools by city:

Aston: 1 Catholic school
Center Valley: 1 Catholic school
Cresson: 1 Catholic school
Dallas: 1 Catholic school
Erie: 2 Catholic schools
Greensburg: 1 Catholic school
Gwynedd Valley: 1 Catholic school
Immaculata: 1 Catholic school
Latrobe: 2 Catholic schools
Loretto: 1 Catholic school
Philadelphia: 4 Catholic schools
Pittsburgh: 3 Catholic schools
Radnor: 1 Catholic school
Reading: 1 Catholic school
Rosemont: 1 Catholic school
Scranton: 2 Catholic schools
Villanova: 1 Catholic school
Wilkes Barre: 1 Catholic school
Wynnewood: 1 Catholic school

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