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Catholic Schools Offering Associate's Degrees in Ohio

Ohio Associate's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Ohio is the right state to earn Catholic associate's degree. There are 9 schools offering Catholic programs in Ohio, and the best option is offered by Xavier University. This school has an excellent Catholic associate's degree program: five stars for curriculum and five-star rating for teaching also.

Read the details about all 9 Catholic schools providing associate's degrees in Ohio below or narrow your search by program or city in Ohio.

Ohio Catholic associate's degree schools:

Xavier University - Catholic School Ranking
1. Xavier University

Located in Cincinnati, 15 associate's programs

Mercy College of Ohio - Catholic School Ranking
2. Mercy College of Ohio

Located in Toledo, 4 associate's programs

Franciscan University of Steubenville - Catholic School Ranking
3. Franciscan University of Steubenville

Located in Steubenville, 5 associate's programs

Mount Saint Joseph University - Catholic School Ranking
4. Mount Saint Joseph University

Located in Cincinnati, 3 associate's programs

Lourdes University - Catholic School Ranking
5. Lourdes University

Located in Sylvania, 2 associate's programs

Walsh University - Catholic School Ranking
6. Walsh University

Located in North Canton, 6 associate's programs

Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science - Catholic School Ranking
7. Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science

Located in Cincinnati, 2 associate's programs

Ohio Dominican University - Catholic School Ranking
8. Ohio Dominican University

Located in Columbus, 7 associate's programs

Notre Dame College - Catholic School Ranking
9. Notre Dame College

Located in Cleveland, 1 associate's program

Catholic associate's degrees in nearby states:

Villanova University - Catholic School Ranking
Villanova University

Located in Villanova, PA, 1 associate's program

Saint Joseph's University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Joseph's University

Located in Philadelphia, PA, 1 associate's program

University of Scranton - Catholic School Ranking
University of Scranton

Located in Scranton, PA, 8 associate's programs

Gwynedd Mercy University - Catholic School Ranking
Gwynedd Mercy University

Located in Gwynedd Valley, PA, 2 associate's programs

Immaculata University - Catholic School Ranking
Immaculata University

Located in Immaculata, PA, 12 associate's programs

Gannon University - Catholic School Ranking
Gannon University

Located in Erie, PA, 6 associate's programs

Alvernia University - Catholic School Ranking
Alvernia University

Located in Reading, PA, 5 associate's programs

Saint Francis University - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Francis University

Located in Loretto, PA, 10 associate's programs

Mercyhurst University - Catholic School Ranking
Mercyhurst University

Located in Erie, PA, 10 associate's programs

Marian University - Catholic School Ranking
Marian University

Located in Indianapolis, IN, 2 associate's programs

Spalding University - Catholic School Ranking
Spalding University

Located in Louisville, KY, 1 associate's program

Holy Family University - Catholic School Ranking
Holy Family University

Located in Philadelphia, PA, 1 associate's program

University of Saint Francis Fort Wayne - Catholic School Ranking
University of Saint Francis Fort Wayne

Located in Fort Wayne, IN, 12 associate's programs

Mount Aloysius College - Catholic School Ranking
Mount Aloysius College

Located in Cresson, PA, 9 associate's programs

Saint Mary of the Woods College - Catholic School Ranking
Saint Mary of the Woods College

Located in Saint Mary Of The Woods, IN, 5 associate's programs

La Roche University - Catholic School Ranking
La Roche University

Located in Pittsburgh, PA, 1 associate's program

Ohio Catholic associate's degrees by major:

Accounting: 2 Catholic schools
Biology: 1 Catholic school
Business: 7 Catholic schools
Chemistry: 1 Catholic school
Computer: 2 Catholic schools
Education: 1 Catholic school
Engineering: 1 Catholic school
Finance: 1 Catholic school
History: 1 Catholic school
Journalism: 2 Catholic schools
Foreign Languages: 1 Catholic school
Law: 1 Catholic school
Literature: 1 Catholic school
Management: 6 Catholic schools
Marketing: 1 Catholic school
Medical: 4 Catholic schools
Nursing: 2 Catholic schools
Philosophy: 1 Catholic school
Police: 1 Catholic school
Politics: 1 Catholic school
Psychology: 2 Catholic schools
Social Work: 1 Catholic school
Sociology: 2 Catholic schools
Theology: 3 Catholic schools

Other Catholic diplomas in OH:

Certificates: 15 Catholic schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 14 Catholic schools
Master's Degrees: 14 Catholic schools
Doctoral Degrees: 7 Catholic schools

Ohio Catholic schools by city:

Cincinnati: 4 Catholic schools
Cleveland: 1 Catholic school
Columbus: 3 Catholic schools
Dayton: 1 Catholic school
North Canton: 1 Catholic school
Pepper Pike: 1 Catholic school
Steubenville: 2 Catholic schools
Sylvania: 1 Catholic school
Toledo: 1 Catholic school
University Heights: 1 Catholic school

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